Inspiring Innovation

Exploring Unexpected Flavors

Learn and practice an innovation toolkit that inspires and focuses team creativity toward new solutions.

Innovation is made up of emotion, connection, and intention. Finding the right combination for each solution starts with seeing the problem clearly. Connecting with empathy, respecting relationships, and learning with focus are essential next steps on the way to designing truly innovative and lasting solutions.

Practice observation and interpretation skills through mindful tasting and flavor pairing activities and embed creativity and curiosity into problem solving.

In this workshop participants will:

-Earn Professional Development Units on leadership topics supporting a range of professional certifications (3 PDUs for half-day, 6 PDU for full-day agendas)

-Practice and apply design, systems, and critical thinking tactics and techniques to guide collaborative innovation

-Learn to appreciate and experiment with the role flavors and tastes have in our enjoyment of complex foods.

Sample Menu

  • -Guided tastes:

    • Observing our reaction to the basic tastes

    • Relationships of flavors and textures

    • Flavor Balancing

    -Make Your Own Activity

    • Unexpected Pairings (full day)

  • -Guided Learning

    • Design, systems and critical thinking

    • Observation skills and criteria

    • Working with inferences and other opinions

    -Fostering Action

    • Problem and objective trees

    • Action planning and resourcing


Your place or ours- some restrictions apply


$75 to $150 per person depending on location and length of event


We offer tiered pricing for non-profit teams- please ask!

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Crucial Communication- Collaborating over Chocolate